Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Manny Got Game

Hey friends! Manny here! I was watching some Sports Center last night before I went to bed and decided today that I want to be an athlete! You can make some big money playing sports. I just have to decide what sport I like best.
First, I tried high jumping.
But that made my monkey butt hurt. So then I decided to try soccer. I can bend it like Beckham!
But that made my head hurt. So I decided to try baseball. Maybe I can play for the Twins!!!
Strike three! You're out!!! I didn't find baseball too interesting. But I really like to watch the NBA on television. I want to dunk like Jordan!!! But my little sock monkey legs can't really jump that high. So, I got this great idea!
I'll use this sling shot and jump right up to slam dunk the ball!

That didn't work out very well. But I still got game!!!
Whew! Being an athlete is hard work. And I still didn't make any money. How does Kobe Bryant do it? I was really thirsty. Lucky for me, a nice lady was walking by the basketball courts and bought me a Gatorade.
I better head home and rest and re-think this athlete thing. Maybe I should try rock climbing!
See you tomorrow!

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