Friday, July 22, 2011


Hey friends! Manny here. This week my buddy Liam was gone for the whole week. He went to stay with his grandparents. I really missed him. So I thought since he was gone, I would take a trip as well. So I hitched a ride with a vending machine repair man to FARGO!!! And then I got to go to this cool place!
It was a nice place and all, but I have no need for hoses, so I moved on. Then I went to a sporting goods store!
This guy didn't seem to know much about sports.
I don't think green is my color. What do you think?
These guys were pretty tame. And pretty quiet!
I love playing in a pit of balls!!!
These little guys kicked hard!!!
Do you think anyone saw me? I don't think so. I was pretty sneaky.....
This guy didn't know much about sports either. He really needs a haircut. Somebody call Paige!!!
Finally, a nice lady came and took me with her to hear this nice lady sing. It was a good time. I got a little wet in the rain, but I dried off quickly!!! Then I hitched a ride back home with the nice lady who took me to the show. It was a good trip. Can't wait 'til Liam gets home!!!
Nitey nite!

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