Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Hey everybody!! Manny here. Today was a great day to enjoy the great outdoors. I started off with some nice relaxing bubbles!
Who doesn't love blowing bubbles! Next, I played with a pinwheel!
That got kind of boring after awhile. So then I decided to make my way over to the English Coulee and do some fishing.
There is a big bridge to cross over the coulee!
I laid out my gear and hoped for a good catch!
Man, that coulee really stinks! I sure would hate to go swimming in there! But soon enough, there was some tugging on my line and I caught.....
....a small red turtle!!!! He didn't look very tasty and he didn't say much. I would guess he was just happy to be pulled out of that smelly green coulee!
After fishing, I decided to skip some rocks.
Then I thought I should get myself and the turtle out of the sun, so I found some shade in this little house!
But it didn't have anything soft inside to lay on, so I continued on. I was getting hungry and I thought maybe I should eat my catch of the day like most fisherpersons do.

I was about to fry me up some turtle, when a nice lady came along and said "Manny-turtles aren't for eating! They are protected creatures!" So we threw the red little turtle back into the smelly coulee and my stomach still growled. I asked the nice lady what time it was and was shocked to find out how late it was in the day. I had gotten a late start today. I had somewhere I needed to be and fast! So the nice lady gave me a ride.
So off I went to see my buddy Liam play baseball in the sunny, early evening hours. It was a nice night and he did a great job! I was so proud of him. Well, I'm off to find a snack before bedtime. And it won't be a turtle snack either!
Nitey Nite!

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