Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tree Climbing on a Rainy Day

Hi! I'm Manny the Monkey. I live in Grand Forks, ND. My best friend's name is Liam. I live with him, but during the day, he hangs out at the YMCA, so I have to find my own entertainment.
Today was a rainy day, but that didn't keep me inside. I took a spin around town. I got hungry eventually and had McDonald's fries for lunch. They are the best!

After I let my lunch settle, I decided to do some tree climbing. I have never climbed a tree before. I am not a tree monkey, only a simple sock monkey, so this was new to me. But with a little work, I did it!!!

I sat in the tree for a little while and watched all the cars go by. I've never driven a car before either. That is something I may have to try another day. After awhile I got tired of watching the cars and decided to get down. I lost my grip on the tree and fell to the ground!!! Ouch!
Well, since I am a 'sock' monkey, I didn't break any bones. I did get a little boo-boo on my leg. I was lucky though. I was right next to the med school and I went inside and a nice lady fixed me up with a band aid.
Well, after I got the band aid on, that was enough excitement for me for one day. The rain started to pour after that and I took a nap until it was time to go home to see my buddy Liam. It was a good day, despite the rain and the boo boo. I wonder what I will do tomorrow. Nite Nite!

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