Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Monkey Style!

Hello all! It was another rainy day when I woke up this morning. I knew I wouldn't be spending much time outdoors today. As a sock monkey, getting wet is not an option. At least not a very good one. It means drying out slowly, or tumbling around in a hot dryer. I try to stay dry at all times!!!
So I decided today would be a good shopping day. But I thought I had better get some cash first so I headed to the bank. I didn't want to go in so I decided to go through the drive thru lane. This turned out to be a mistake.
Lucky for me, some nice lady rescued me before I went through the tube tunnel. Whew! Once I finished my 'monkey business' at the bank, I was off to my favorite store-Target!
Either those carts are getting heavier or I need to start lifting weights. It was really hard to push that cart today. But I made it somehow. I had a lot of stuff in my cart. I was in a bit of shock when I went to pay the bill.
I think I may need to get a job!
After Target, I was hungry from pushing that cart so much so I decided it was time for lunch. A mini bagel sandwich was just the right treat!!!

After lunch, I thought I would 'do the do' and head over to JC Penney Salon to see Paige and get my hair cut. I had her cut a little off the top. Manny lookin' good!
After my 'new do', I thought I would take a look at some new threads. I might be heading to a fancy occasion soon and I thought I better look my best. I liked the colors in this tie, but I think it makes me look a bit short.
I decided to go with my natural, good monkey looks and leave the tie behind. It was a long day. Time to go home for supper, see my buddy Liam and get a good night's rest. I may need my energy for my next adventure!

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