Friday, June 24, 2011

Friends in Grassy Places

Another sunny day today! When I woke up, I really wanted to head to the park. So I started out on my own. Some of the streets are very busy and hard for a little monkey like me to cross.
After awhile, I got tired of waiting for the cars to stop. I couldn't reach the 'press to walk' button and none of the cars seemed to see me signaling them to stop so I could cross the street. So when one was stopped, I hopped on to 'catch' a ride!
Once I got myself up, I sat on the bumper and enjoyed the ride. Lucky for me, this dude was heading right for the park!
It was a great day to be in the park! The sun was shining, the birds were singing and monkey's were playing!
I love to slide!
I even met a new friend at the park!
Meet my new friend Willie (short for Willamena). She's a worm. She was just hanging out at the park like I was. I went up to her and and said "How you doin?" We had a good time! But then she had to go back to doing what worms do best and she dug a hole in the ground and disappeared. I was a bit lonely at first, but quickly felt better after I took some time to smell the flowers!
It was a great day at the park. But the van I caught my ride with took off so I had to catch a ride with a nice lady to get home.
See you tomorrow!

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