Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades!

Happy Thursday! The sun was finally shining today! When I woke up, I couldn't wait to go and play. After saying goodbye to Liam, I headed out for some fun in the sun. I got out my favorite red sunglasses and thought I would hang out on the hood of the car for some 'sun' time.
 Red is my favorite color. These shades are totally cool!!!After so much sun, I decided to sit under the umbrella outside of the Coffee Company on Columbia Road. I had a nice cold Diet Coke beside me as I watched the traffic go by. I counted blue cars. I saw 15 of them!

I got a hungry after all that car counting, so I needed some lunch. I had my favorite lunch ever-strawberry Twizzler's licorice! Did you know monkey's love licorice? I ate the whole pack! I was full and happy!
After all that sugar, I had enough energy to run around Grand Forks three times! So I headed over to the nearest tennis court to hit the ball back and forth. I'm no Roger Federer, but I can hold my own.
Well, soon enough I worked off that sugar energy and decided to sit on the bench and watch some tennis games. I tried to give them a few tips, but they didn't listen. Then I decided to run up and down the grass hill. I love grass hills!!!
After all that running, I was hungry again. So I headed over to the grocery store and found my favorite snack. Cheetos Cheetos Cheetos!!!!!
What a bargain!!! $2.99 for Cheetos. Of course, since I don't have a job, I had to borrow money from a nice lady to pay for them. The same nice lady was at the other store at lunch time and bought me my Twizzlers. Sometimes a monkey has to rely on the kindness of strangers.

It sure was a busy day. After all that fun in the sun, I was tired. Time to get some zzzz's with my best buddy.

Nite Nite!

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