Thursday, June 30, 2011

Horsin' Around!

What's up friends! Manny here. Today I woke up and I was on a mission. I wanna be a cowboy! Haven't you ever wondered what it was like to ride a horse? To feel the wind blowing through your hair when the horse runs while you are holding on tight for dear life? Well, in my case, I don't have hair. I have yarn. But it still blows in the wind. I really need to find a good conditioner.

So today I set off to fulfill my dream of being a cowboy. I saw this fellow riding a horse. He was really tall.  I tried to climb up to see him, but it was too hard for a little sock monkey like me.
I tried to talk to the fellow riding the horse, but he didn't say anything. He seemed pretty quiet. And I gave up and left.
I started asking folks if they knew of a horse I could ride. Someone directed me to this wild stallion. He seemed pretty old though, and wouldn't give me a ride unless I gave him a quarter. Lucky for me, some nice lady came by and gave me a quarter to give to the horse!
But even after I gave him my quarter, he was pretty slow. I didn't feel the wind blowing through my yarn. I guess he was too old. So I went on my way, still roaming the prairies and plains for a good horse to ride. And then I came across this bucking bronco!
Whoa! He was pretty wild and I only could hold on for about 7 seconds. Then off in the sand I fell. I was disappointed in this horse. But I was determined to be a cowboy! So I kept searching. Soon enough I found this pretty filly!!!
Her name is Dallas and she is a Palamino. I think we were made for each other. Dallas is a great horse and together we rode all over town. She never once bucked me off. And when she ran, I felt the wind rushing through my yarn. It was a wonderful feeling. But after awhile, Dallas had to return to her stable, so we had to say goodbye. I'll never forget her.
Happy Trails!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Like a Good Neighbor, Manny is There!

Hi Friends! Manny here. Another gorgeous sunny day outside. I decided to head to University Park to see if there was any action there. It was a nice day to catch some rays, listen to some tunes and relax! We sock monkey's don't have skin like humans, so we don't burn as easily. But still, it is always best to use sunscreen!
After an hour of listening to my favorite tunes-AC/DC, Foo Fighters and Alice in Chains, I decided to go on a little nature hike.
University Park has many beautiful flowers. There are a lot of rocks to play on. Then I spied a bridge to cross!
That's a big bridge for a little monkey like me! But I made it across.
After all that nature hiking, I was hot and thirsty. I thought a slushee would taste real good. But again, I am an unemployed sock monkey, so money was a problem. Then I ran into my nice lady friend in the park and she offered to buy me a slushee. I told her I couldn't just accept charity and she has been so good to me, I wanted to do something nice for her.
So I pumped her gas!
I think she really appreciated it. Then she paid for her gas and bought me a yummy, cotton candy flavored blue slushee!
It was so good and cold and I was so thirsty, I drank it real fast. Then Manny got a brain freeze!!
My brain freeze was so awful, the nice lady had to drive me home and I stayed there the rest of the day. Learn from Manny: drink your slushees slow!!!!!
Catcha later!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Naughty Monkeys

Hey everybody! It was a beautiful day today. I decided to venture out to find a book about this monkey named George. I keep hearing about this monkey. My first stop was Ferguson Books and Media. I thought I was sure to find the book about this George the monkey there. When I got there, I ran into a familiar face-Uncle Ralph!
Uncle Ralph is currently living at Ferguson Books. He likes to hang out in the children's book section on the third shelf. I think he is waiting for a nice family to take him home to live. He is very wise. He told me that the book about George the monkey is very popular and is always being bought by someone. I looked around, but I couldn't find the book. I did find a lunchbox with George's picture on the front.
After saying goodbye to Uncle Ralph and promising I would come back to visit soon, I hopped across 32nd Avenue to go to Target to see if the George book was there. Eureka! I was in luck!
I decided to take the book down and have a little reading session. I found out that this George is a very curious, naughty monkey!!!
He likes to eat bananas and his best buddy is a tall man with a yellow hat. I didn't think his hat was very cool. This George gets into all sorts of trouble. Then I saw these poor monkeys trapped in a box!!!
I tried to help them escape, but the Target man spotted me and I had to make a quick getaway!!! I decided to head over to the produce section to try to find George's favorite food.
I'd never had a banana before. But once again, I had no money in my pockets. Then I saw my nice lady friend who offered to buy me a banana. I was happy to see her.
I decided I don't like bananas too much. That George can keep his big yellow fruit and share it with his friend with the big yellow hat. I would rather have my favorite food any day!!

Cheetos! Cheetos! Cheetos!!! I figured if George can be a naughty monkey sometimes, so can Manny!!! But then I got caught and got a little dirty as well, so it was time for a monkey bath.
Bubble baths can be so relaxing after a long day. And they smell so nice!
After drying off, I decided it was better to be a good monkey like Manny and not a naughty monkey like George. But I still love Cheetos!!!
Nitey Nite!

Wild Weekend

It was a very nice weekend outside. After running some errands with my best buddy Liam, we had lunch at McDonald's. I love McDonald's fries! Then we took some pictures with some football players. I always wanted to be a quarterback.
Later on that day we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. Those wings sure were spicy! I had to drink a lot of water!
Later that night we went to the Grand Forks County Fair. I saw this sweet ride!
They don't give driver's licenses to monkeys. Oh well!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friends in Grassy Places

Another sunny day today! When I woke up, I really wanted to head to the park. So I started out on my own. Some of the streets are very busy and hard for a little monkey like me to cross.
After awhile, I got tired of waiting for the cars to stop. I couldn't reach the 'press to walk' button and none of the cars seemed to see me signaling them to stop so I could cross the street. So when one was stopped, I hopped on to 'catch' a ride!
Once I got myself up, I sat on the bumper and enjoyed the ride. Lucky for me, this dude was heading right for the park!
It was a great day to be in the park! The sun was shining, the birds were singing and monkey's were playing!
I love to slide!
I even met a new friend at the park!
Meet my new friend Willie (short for Willamena). She's a worm. She was just hanging out at the park like I was. I went up to her and and said "How you doin?" We had a good time! But then she had to go back to doing what worms do best and she dug a hole in the ground and disappeared. I was a bit lonely at first, but quickly felt better after I took some time to smell the flowers!
It was a great day at the park. But the van I caught my ride with took off so I had to catch a ride with a nice lady to get home.
See you tomorrow!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades!

Happy Thursday! The sun was finally shining today! When I woke up, I couldn't wait to go and play. After saying goodbye to Liam, I headed out for some fun in the sun. I got out my favorite red sunglasses and thought I would hang out on the hood of the car for some 'sun' time.
 Red is my favorite color. These shades are totally cool!!!After so much sun, I decided to sit under the umbrella outside of the Coffee Company on Columbia Road. I had a nice cold Diet Coke beside me as I watched the traffic go by. I counted blue cars. I saw 15 of them!

I got a hungry after all that car counting, so I needed some lunch. I had my favorite lunch ever-strawberry Twizzler's licorice! Did you know monkey's love licorice? I ate the whole pack! I was full and happy!
After all that sugar, I had enough energy to run around Grand Forks three times! So I headed over to the nearest tennis court to hit the ball back and forth. I'm no Roger Federer, but I can hold my own.
Well, soon enough I worked off that sugar energy and decided to sit on the bench and watch some tennis games. I tried to give them a few tips, but they didn't listen. Then I decided to run up and down the grass hill. I love grass hills!!!
After all that running, I was hungry again. So I headed over to the grocery store and found my favorite snack. Cheetos Cheetos Cheetos!!!!!
What a bargain!!! $2.99 for Cheetos. Of course, since I don't have a job, I had to borrow money from a nice lady to pay for them. The same nice lady was at the other store at lunch time and bought me my Twizzlers. Sometimes a monkey has to rely on the kindness of strangers.

It sure was a busy day. After all that fun in the sun, I was tired. Time to get some zzzz's with my best buddy.

Nite Nite!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Monkey Style!

Hello all! It was another rainy day when I woke up this morning. I knew I wouldn't be spending much time outdoors today. As a sock monkey, getting wet is not an option. At least not a very good one. It means drying out slowly, or tumbling around in a hot dryer. I try to stay dry at all times!!!
So I decided today would be a good shopping day. But I thought I had better get some cash first so I headed to the bank. I didn't want to go in so I decided to go through the drive thru lane. This turned out to be a mistake.
Lucky for me, some nice lady rescued me before I went through the tube tunnel. Whew! Once I finished my 'monkey business' at the bank, I was off to my favorite store-Target!
Either those carts are getting heavier or I need to start lifting weights. It was really hard to push that cart today. But I made it somehow. I had a lot of stuff in my cart. I was in a bit of shock when I went to pay the bill.
I think I may need to get a job!
After Target, I was hungry from pushing that cart so much so I decided it was time for lunch. A mini bagel sandwich was just the right treat!!!

After lunch, I thought I would 'do the do' and head over to JC Penney Salon to see Paige and get my hair cut. I had her cut a little off the top. Manny lookin' good!
After my 'new do', I thought I would take a look at some new threads. I might be heading to a fancy occasion soon and I thought I better look my best. I liked the colors in this tie, but I think it makes me look a bit short.
I decided to go with my natural, good monkey looks and leave the tie behind. It was a long day. Time to go home for supper, see my buddy Liam and get a good night's rest. I may need my energy for my next adventure!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tree Climbing on a Rainy Day

Hi! I'm Manny the Monkey. I live in Grand Forks, ND. My best friend's name is Liam. I live with him, but during the day, he hangs out at the YMCA, so I have to find my own entertainment.
Today was a rainy day, but that didn't keep me inside. I took a spin around town. I got hungry eventually and had McDonald's fries for lunch. They are the best!

After I let my lunch settle, I decided to do some tree climbing. I have never climbed a tree before. I am not a tree monkey, only a simple sock monkey, so this was new to me. But with a little work, I did it!!!

I sat in the tree for a little while and watched all the cars go by. I've never driven a car before either. That is something I may have to try another day. After awhile I got tired of watching the cars and decided to get down. I lost my grip on the tree and fell to the ground!!! Ouch!
Well, since I am a 'sock' monkey, I didn't break any bones. I did get a little boo-boo on my leg. I was lucky though. I was right next to the med school and I went inside and a nice lady fixed me up with a band aid.
Well, after I got the band aid on, that was enough excitement for me for one day. The rain started to pour after that and I took a nap until it was time to go home to see my buddy Liam. It was a good day, despite the rain and the boo boo. I wonder what I will do tomorrow. Nite Nite!