Friday, August 12, 2011

Downtown Baby!

Howdy friends! Manny here. I keep hearing all these commercials about 'Downtown Baby'. So I was really curious as to what this downtown place was. Is it really as great as the commercials say? I decided to find out for myself.

I got up early and after a healthy breakfast of cheetos, I headed downtown. I caught a ride with a nice lady. She let me ride shotgun! Then she dropped me off at this place that had the coolest table. It had a checker table built right in. I sat down and had myself a game. I won!
Then I went to play on the jungle gym. Whee!!!!!!
I found a nice little house I could easily fit into.
There was even a waterfall! I threw a penny in and made a wish for an endless supply of Cheetos!
Then I noticed a stage. It was all empty. I have always wondered what it would be like to be on a stage in front of hundreds of people!
But I was the only one there. There weren't hundreds of people. Only a small cricket that crossed the stage. His name was Jimeny. He wasn't very talkative. I could barely hear his little voice. This was such a nice place, I was sure to remember it forever. But no one would know that a simple, little, sweet sock monkey once took the stage on a summer afternoon.
Or would they? I decided to leave my mark on this wonderful place. Now everyone will know Manny was here!
As I was leaving, I noticed a sweet smell in the air. Even my monkey nose could smell it. I followed it with my sniffer and it took me to this wonderful store.
I hear they make chocolate covered potato chips here and even chocolate covered pickles!!! I wonder if they make chocolate covered Cheetos?
It was a busy day! I'm spent! Nitey nite!

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