Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Born to Be Wild!

Hey there friends! Manny here. Have you ever wanted to take a walk on the 'wild side' of life? I have always walked the straight line. But today, I decided to venture off the safe path.
First, I decided to go bungee jumping!
What a total rush!!!! But then, I craved more excitement and adrenaline, so I decided to go sky diving.
I landed safely in a nice field of grass. Sky diving is dangerous, as is bungee jumping. This should not be done by kids or grown ups who are afraid of heights. But it is totally safe for sock monkeys without bones!
Next I thought I would see what it was like to ride a wild hog.
I really wanted to take this hog out on the open road, but I didn't have the key and the owner didn't seem to want to turn over his ride to a sock monkey. But at least I got to feel leather under my little sock monkey butt. It felt nice!
Next, I decided to fly to the moon!
I decided to jump out right at number 4 on the countdown. I like to keep my thrills on earth. I don't think there is a place for a sock monkey on the moon.
So then I decided to go rock climbing.

I think I did pretty good climbing those rocks. Very challenging for a sweet little sock monkey like myself. One should never look down when rock climbing. I did and I didn't have my harness on. Fortunately, there was a nice lady down below to catch my fall.
It was a busy day! I couldn't believe all the thrills I had. But I think one day walking on the wild side was enough. Tomorrow I'll go back to being just little old Manny!
Nitey Nite!

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